A Spanish heritage variety for autumn sowings that produces an abundance of light-green pods early in the season. According to food historian Willam Woys Weaver this variety can be traced back to Vilmorin’s selection of a Spanish broad bean called ‘haba de Sevilla’ in 1885. Super Aquadulce is extra hardy and can withstand cold temperatures. It will produce massive amounts of delicious uniform green pods with large beans. Although especially suited for Autumn sowing, Aquadulce can be sown in early spring for a summer/autumn crop too.
The pods can be eaten as a whole when harvested young and the beans shelled and dried when they’re a bit older. The tops will make an excellent addition to salads or as greens, tasting a bit like a bean and a bit like spinach. Harvesting the tops also takes the energy out of the growing tip and encourages the beans to ripen.
(Approximate seed count – 35)